Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Life in Campus

I have started my new life as a postgraduate in Universiti Sains Malaysia. Previously, I am an undergraduate from this local university. I don’t have any plan for my future and when I was given a chance to continue with my further study, without thinking much, I have applied to study in this university.
This year, I’m a postgrad in this local university. I’m now studying on Information technology. I have attended to 3 lectures and I’m totally freak out when the lecturers gave the introduction on the courses. I don’t think that I can handle the subject very well and I’m now planning to extend my study to one and a half year (this is only a plan, I’m not that sure yet). When I first decided to continue my further study on this field, I’m too naïve, I guess because I think that with my interest toward computer, I may be able to handle the subjects but it turns out to be a totally different story. I don’t have any background on programming . . . I’m now so . . . so . . . so . . . freak out. But I know when there is a challenge, we’ll learn something new. And I know from now on, I really . . . really . . . really . . . need to study very . . . very . . . hard and also put a lot of effort on my study. No more last minute work!!! :p
p.s I’m so surprise for these few days because I can still see the students wearing New Millennium Graduates Campaign T-Shirt . . . oh, we really did a great job in those T-shirt selling . . . Yeah, New Millennium Graduates – Walk of the Caring Hearts . . . Go Strong also this year . . . 
written by Iyo on 13 July 2006 on Friednster

and I got a few respond 
my lovely Iyo san,i was completely surprised dat you totally freak out abt ur post-grad course……. like the saying ‘every cloud has a silver lining’……. every situation, no matter how grim,has its bright side…..based on my view knowing abt Iyo san - a woman(sry,u dy 2X yrs old, no more ‘gal’ to describe) has a strong capable to handle everything……. u might lost now, it’s because wat u expected was out of u mind….dun worry my dear fren, trust yourself and i willing to lend u my ’support’….. from my beloved friend - mung
aha….now only u know programming is not easy ar… if you put some effort on it, sure u will find that it not so complicated as u thought. importance is u must have interest on it, else …..kekeke u will know wat IT ppl say “压力” is from my form 4 and 5 classmate Chio Chuan
hey gal~~~!be strong~!since u choice to study it, there is no point of return…so…GANBATTE KUDASAI~~~! from my another beloved friend - miss tan
wah!!! so cool…information technology! its out of my imagination coz i know nothing abt it. since this is ur interest, i m sure u can overcome all the obstacles wf ur good learning attitude! no more last minutes work…haha…hope u really can change ur style. i still remembered tat how we worked together wf our project last time :)haha…really wont come out wf good quality lar. yeah…the t-shirt really nice! i also still wear it out wf frens :) happy ler?? so hardwork will bring u hapiness!! ganbatte ne :> from my coursemate Betriace

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