Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Life in Campus

I have started my new life as a postgraduate in Universiti Sains Malaysia. Previously, I am an undergraduate from this local university. I don’t have any plan for my future and when I was given a chance to continue with my further study, without thinking much, I have applied to study in this university.
This year, I’m a postgrad in this local university. I’m now studying on Information technology. I have attended to 3 lectures and I’m totally freak out when the lecturers gave the introduction on the courses. I don’t think that I can handle the subject very well and I’m now planning to extend my study to one and a half year (this is only a plan, I’m not that sure yet). When I first decided to continue my further study on this field, I’m too naïve, I guess because I think that with my interest toward computer, I may be able to handle the subjects but it turns out to be a totally different story. I don’t have any background on programming . . . I’m now so . . . so . . . so . . . freak out. But I know when there is a challenge, we’ll learn something new. And I know from now on, I really . . . really . . . really . . . need to study very . . . very . . . hard and also put a lot of effort on my study. No more last minute work!!! :p
p.s I’m so surprise for these few days because I can still see the students wearing New Millennium Graduates Campaign T-Shirt . . . oh, we really did a great job in those T-shirt selling . . . Yeah, New Millennium Graduates – Walk of the Caring Hearts . . . Go Strong also this year . . . 
written by Iyo on 13 July 2006 on Friednster

and I got a few respond 
my lovely Iyo san,i was completely surprised dat you totally freak out abt ur post-grad course……. like the saying ‘every cloud has a silver lining’……. every situation, no matter how grim,has its bright side…..based on my view knowing abt Iyo san - a woman(sry,u dy 2X yrs old, no more ‘gal’ to describe) has a strong capable to handle everything……. u might lost now, it’s because wat u expected was out of u mind….dun worry my dear fren, trust yourself and i willing to lend u my ’support’….. from my beloved friend - mung
aha….now only u know programming is not easy ar… if you put some effort on it, sure u will find that it not so complicated as u thought. importance is u must have interest on it, else …..kekeke u will know wat IT ppl say “压力” is from my form 4 and 5 classmate Chio Chuan
hey gal~~~!be strong~!since u choice to study it, there is no point of return…so…GANBATTE KUDASAI~~~! from my another beloved friend - miss tan
wah!!! so cool…information technology! its out of my imagination coz i know nothing abt it. since this is ur interest, i m sure u can overcome all the obstacles wf ur good learning attitude! no more last minutes work…haha…hope u really can change ur style. i still remembered tat how we worked together wf our project last time :)haha…really wont come out wf good quality lar. yeah…the t-shirt really nice! i also still wear it out wf frens :) happy ler?? so hardwork will bring u hapiness!! ganbatte ne :> from my coursemate Betriace

If you had me alone ...



I want honest answers. Post it on here or in my inbox if you feel shy to let everyone see!

Think :P

1. 人的一生,最可贵的不是朋友,而是敌人。朋友只使你获得助力, 但敌人使你因他而成长。 –<珍惜你的敌人>

2. 爱情原如树叶一样,在人忽视里绿了,在忍耐里露出蓓蕾,在被忘记里红色的花瓣开放。 –<何其芳>

3. 人生最可悲的是知道自己的缺点,而不愿意去纠正。 –<邓丽思>

4. 当你开始相信自己时, 自信就已开始,伟大并不在于你的地位,而位于你对自己的尊重的程度。 –<李璞良>

5. 我们不能改变别人, 只能改变自己。要想战胜对手, 我们必须努力提升自我价值。 –<林大育>

6. 真正的自信,是相信自己, 喜爱自己,而且,不把自己和任何人做比较。 –<朵朵>

7. 这个世界不是完美的, 它从来不是完美的,它从来不是, 也将永远不是。我们所要的只是一个有情的世界。 –<何秀煌>

8. 一磅信心值一吨运气。 –<加菲尔德>

9. 永远对你爱的人留下爱的语言 - - 那可能是你最后一次看到他们。 –<无名者>

10. 不辜负别人的好意, 用心有灵犀的心去领受, 即使不能天长地久, 在回忆中依旧是美好。 –<司恩鲁>

written by Iyo on 29 April 2006 on Friendster

Feeling happy + Sad

Whew, 3 years of university life…
Thinking of the first year when I started my university life…
and now…
Dude, I change a lot…
Anyway, feel so happy that I’m going to graduate soon…
but feel sad also because I will separate with my friends and will start a new life…
Wish everyone all the best…
And hey, Keep in touch always…

written by Iyo on 23 April 2006 on Friendster

The charm of personal relationship

1. 人不是只为知识而活, 而真正的知识只在经验。-方兰生

2. 人味, 乃在人的身上展现出一种人性化、人情味的人文气息;趣味,即所谓的幽默感;知味,就是知识的气味与接触。-方兰生

3. 人生旅途中,犹如一班人际列车,每经一站或多或少都会遇到各种不同的阻力,为求行驶的顺畅,就必须面对或克服种种危机,使此一列车能顺利的完成这一趟人生旅途。-方兰生

4. 公众意识既是一种公德心的延伸,在自我意识高涨的今日,往往忽略了公众意识的建立和存在,以致使人际间的问题丛生、纠纷不断,这也是人际文化低落的主要因素。-方兰生

written by Iyo on 17 July 2005 on Friendster

Meaningful quotes

1. It’s easier to think outside the box when you’re not staying in one!

2. Temptation is all around us - Daniel Vasella.

3. Without passion, you won’t have energy - Donald Trump.

4. An individual can be corrupted, and if you’re not careful and suspicious of your own strength, then you will fall - Daniel Vasella.

5. Fantasy has no boundaries! - Hallmark

6. There is magic everywhere, if you know where to find - Hallmark.

7. You can’t be a tennis player in this field (media), you will always have to be a football team player - Henry Tan.

8. 订书机真是简单又神奇的东西。那看起来一点也不坚硬的订书订,居然能一下子穿透上百张纸。原来真正的原因是由於它能把力量集中在两个点上,垂直用力。这世上有许多人,看起来很弱、也没什么了不起的才能,却能成就大业,都是因为他能像订书机一样,认清目标、集中全力,旁徨、不犹疑,奋斗到底。-刘墉


written by Iyo on 1 July 2005 on Friendster

The fly I and II

If you have watched this movies, I'm sure that you'll impress by the special make-up effect in the movies.  But what I would like to share is the feeling or the world inside the two main characters in these movies. 
The first one is the father which is acted by Jeff Goldbum.  I'm actually feel pity about this clever scientist.  He doesn't communicate with the world outside. So when he first comes across with his partner, he tells everything to the girl and is willing to share whatever he knows to the girl.  Unfortunately, he... (to be continued)

written by Iyo Lim on  July 6, 2005 


It has been quite some time I haven't login to my friendster's account. Today, I decided to login to the account and moved the notes/articles that I wrote into my own blog :)
Now, let's start the process ...
It will be quite tedious to do it.. but I think since I no longer use the account, why not?
umm... I was actually wondering how many of us are still using the friendster's account.
It was really a big hit last time, not until Facebook showed up!!!
even though, Frindster has been bought over but it still doesn't return to its fabulous time!!!
what a waste!

Thursday, May 26, 2011

以前写过的文章 5 - 很有感触的一篇文章

Title: What would your life be like in ten years' time?

Ten years is a decade. Actually it is not a very long period. Ten years from now, I will be twenty eight years old. What would my life be like in ten years' time? It sounds like a very common question. Well, to me, it is quite hard to answer this question. Right now, I am still a student and will be sitting for my SPM at the end of this year. My life now is only books and studying. Other than that, it is still books and studies. I cannot be sure how my life in the coming ten years' time would be.

Well, may be at the age of twenty eight, I would have already completed my education at Wanganui Polytechic School of Design in New Zealand as a fashion designer. My talent at designing might be discovered in a competition and I would be hired and start my working life as a fashion designer. Or, perhaps, my works would be recognized by a famous fashion designer and then I would become one of the top ten famous fashion designers in Paris. At that time, may be  would be busy designing clothes for the noblewomen and be one of their favourite fashion designers. Besides that, if I could, I hope I could earn a salary of  £12,000 a year. With that, I could give a quarter of my salary to my parents as family expenses. 

Although, I would be working and I would be mature enough to take care of myself, I would still stay with my parents. If my condition of finance would allow me to spend a big amount of money, I would pay for my parents to travel all over the world because I think that it is time for them to relax and open their 'eyes' to see the world outside. 

Ummmmm..., at the age of twenty eight, I might have a very close boyfriend at that time or may be I would be planning with my boyfriend about our marriage. Who knows? But, there is one thing I can be very sure that my mate is my price charming. Although he might not be perfect, as long as I am in love with him, I think he would be the best man in the world. Besides that, nothing in this world is perfect, right? As long as, he could take care of me, that would be perfect enough!

Besides that, when I am free, I would call some of my friends out for a lunch or dinner. We would still keep in touch with each other and talk about our life and the sweet memories in the school when we gather. 

Ten years from now, I would still be me. I would not lose my values. I will become more mature as I am growing up. It would be wonderful if this were to come true. Anyway, I will be satisfied with less so long as I am happy. 

翻看着文章时,我29岁了,正在待业中。留在家里陪伴父母。成为服装设计师的梦想并没有实现。但是对现在的生活也还好。怨言多多少少会有,但还是活的蛮快乐的。有了男朋友,也已经和他定下婚期。还有,也很庆幸有一群朋友,定时的在msn, facebook还有出来吹水。文章所写的算是有40%实现了。不过当时,我的算术很差吧。一年赚个£12,000, 我吃什么啊?哈哈哈哈


Title: The advantages and disadvantages of Television

Nowadays, almost every family in Malaysia owns a television set. Although the television was introduced in Malaysia in the early sixties, in a very short time, it has become a very common item in every household.

As a means of communication, thee is virtually nothing to match it. we can know the latest news from all over the world by the mere press of a witch. For example, the famine and starvation in North Korea and Ethiopia, the devastating earthquake in Taiwan and the stark reality of the wars in Bosnia and in Iraq were brought to Malaysian viewers the same day those horrible events happened. By the touch of a button, in full colour and hight fidelity sound, we can even watch a football match live between Manchester United and Arsenal which is thousands of miles away.

Television has been acknowledged as one of the greatest educators of all time. We are provided a wide variety of information and general knowledge. From current affairs to sports to scientific knowledge, we can learn this knowledge through the programmes which are shown on the television screen. Programmes like "Majalah Tiga" enable Malaysian viewers to see the life styles and culture of Malaysians. Besides that, "National Geography" give us chance to see the wonders of nature which we will not get from our text book. Documentaries like "The Living Planet", breathe fresh life into geography. Other than that, children's programmers are also shown on television. Programmes like "Sesame Street" and "Teletubbies" teach children in delightful and entertaining ways.

As a source of entertainment, television is matchless. Comedies, serials, dramas, musicals and cartoons which are shown provide hours of fun and enjoyment. Laughter, the best medicine, comedies like "Third Rock from the Sun", "Friends", "Spin City" which makes us laugh always will take away our blues. Besides that, after finishing tons and tons of homework and projects, watching those comedies help us to sooth our nerves and help us to relax and recharge our batteries. We can even watch a concert of Backstreet Boys, a violin recital by Vanessa Mae and spend an hour with Nicholas Tse cheaply and easily by just sitting in the comfort of living room.

Like other great inventions, television has its negative effects on society too. Although television does bring the world into our living rooms, it brings all of it, the good as well as the bad. Programmes which are full of violence, horror or sex scenes have a disastrous effect on millions of viewers, especially the teenagers. Most of the teenagers are not mature enough to think properly. They are easily influenced by television. They will think that joining gangs and acting like 'Ho Nam' in "Young and Dangerous" is great and cool. They do not know how actually harmful joining gangs is.

Addiction to television encourages people to become lazy. Once they are watching the television, they are glued to the television set. Day by day, month by month, year by year, they will become mentally lazy and no longer want to think, especially the young. They will not do the harder homework and just copy from their friends. Besides that, television has "trained" the television viewers to become a lazy person. Not only do they become mentally lazy, television also makes them not want to do physical activities. Lack of physical activities, will lead to a lot of health problems such as poor vision, heart ailments and depression. Other than that, sitting in front of the television all day long and eating while watching television will make most of the television viewers overweight. This will cause serious health problems such as high-blood pressure.

In conclusion, nothing in this world is perfect. Everything has its good and bad effects, so has television. It all depends upon the way in which we make use of it. Too much of anything is dangerous and therefore moderation is the wisest course.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

以前写过的文章 3 - 这篇根本就是按着良心写的 :P

Title: How I help my parents at home

Nowadays, parents usually go out to work to make more money so that their children can get the stuffs such as books and stationery which are needed. They work all day long outside and do not have time to do all the household chores that never seems to get done. Children should understand the situation and should help their parents to bear the burden. Therefore, I always try to help my parents in whatever way possible although I am now in form five and will be facing the SPM examination this year.

Usually, I always keep an eye on my own bedroom so that it looks neat and tidy (没有乱就偷笑了....). Every morning, I make my own bed. Day by day, this has become a habit. Seeing that both of my parents work so hard, I try not to create work for my mother and my father. I always make sure that I do not leave clothes strewn all over the place. On the contrary, I help my parents to take in the laundry and fold the clean clothes and put the clothes into the cupboard.

Besides that, I also do household chores like sweeping the floor, washing the dishes and looking after my younger sister which I can do without affecting my school work. I will also help my parents to lighten their burden at home. Other than that, I help my parents to wash the car twice a month. When Chinese New Year approaches, I will be painting the house so that my house looks nicer and cleaner.

Usually, I will do these household chores when I am free. Sometimes, when I am taking a break from homework or studies, I will sweep the floor or mop the floor. This helps me to sooth my nerves and helps me to relax and recharge my batteries. Day by day, week by week, month by month, these routine chores have become part of my life. Everyday, I must do a household chore before I start my studying.

As a member of a family, we should always co-operate to make the home a better place to live in. Other than that, parents should not have to do all the household chores, especially for a mother. With the help of her own children, she can lighten her burden. Besides that, if we really love and care for our parents, we should not let them do so much household chores which is a back-breaking work. Learning to do household work is education in living.

In conclusion, I am proud to help my parents in their work. I believe that the comforts of home are shared by parents and children alike. It is only fair that everyone play his part in keeping the home a good place to live in. As a child of our parents we should understand this, therefore we should help our parents in whatever way possible.

这篇真的是作文 - 作出来的文章.. 哈哈哈哈哈

中英对照的家族与亲戚的称呼 - Relationship

Ah Cheng和以下人士的关系:
What relation to Ah Cheng are the following:

从父亲那边开始 (Father's side):
His father's mother?
奶奶/婆婆 (Grandmother)
His father's father?
爷爷/公公 (Grandfather)
His father's elder sister?
姑妈/姑姑 (Aunt)
His father's younger sister?
姑姐/姑姑 (Aunt)
His father's sister's husband?
姑丈 (Uncle)
His father's elder brother?
伯伯 (Uncle)
His father's younger brother?
叔叔 (Uncle)
His father's elder brother's wife?
伯母 (Aunt)
His father's younger brother's wife?
婶婶 (Aunt)
His father's brother's children?
堂兄弟姐妹 (Cousin)
His father's sister's children?
表兄弟姐妹 (Cousin)

从母亲那里开始 (Mother's side):
His mother's mother?
外婆 (Grandmother)
His mother's father?
外公 (Grandfather)
His mother's sister?
阿姨 (Aunt)
His mother's sister's husband?
姨丈 (Uncle)
His mother's brother?
舅舅 (Uncle)
His mother's brother's wife?
舅母 (Aunt)
His mother's brother's children?
表兄弟姐妹 (Cousin)
His mother's sister's children?
表兄弟姐妹 (Cousin)

从兄弟姐妹开始 (Sibling's side):
His brother's wife?
嫂嫂 (sister-in-law)
His sister's husband?
姐夫/妹夫 (brother-in-law)
His brother's son?
侄儿 (Nephew)
His brother's daughter?
侄女 (Niece)
His sister's son?
外甥 (Nephew)
His sister's daughter?
外甥女 (Niece)

外国人,什么人都是aunty, uncle, cousin...谁打谁都不清楚。 哈哈哈。


好吧! 我们来复习一些英文生字吧!

  1. Cobbler - one who mends shoes
  2. Ironmonger - one who sells nails, hammers and other iron goods
  3. Matron - a woman who is in charge of a hospital
  4. Miser - a greedy person who keeps a lot of money
  5. Pilgrim - one who travels to holy place
  6. Stationer - one who sells pens, ink, writing materials etc.
  7. Spinster - a woman who is not married
  8. Dispensary - a place where medicine are sold
  9. Godown - a place where goods are stored
  10. Reservoir - a place where water is stored
  11. Stable - a place where horses are kept
  12. To bring someone to book - to punish the culprit (e.g. the prisoner was caught and brought the book)
  13. To beat about the bush - to talk about something in an indirectly way, to talk in a roundabout manner (e.g. The boy kept beating about the bush all the time when asked about the accident)
  14. To eat one's word - to take back one's statement  i.e. what one has said (e.g. Ali called Ahmad a great liar. Ahmad will make Ali eat his words one day)
  15. To take French leave - to take leave without permission, to be absent without permission (e.g. Alice took French leave to to to Pulau Pinang)
  16. To play havoc - to cause great damage and destruction (e.g. The storm played havoc in the villages)
  17. To have a say - to have an authority, to have a voice (David has no say in the company)
  18. To kick the bucket - to die (e.g. The old man kicked the bucket after a long illness)
  19. A chip of the old block - a son who is very like his father
  20. A cock and bull story - an absurd story that one should not believe

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

以前写过的文章 2

Title: 不知道

Nowadays, the planet that we live in is facing a very serious problem that is the pollution of the environment. The environment is badly affected by the pollution. This means the water we are drinking, the air we are breathing are all polluted. Why is the problem serious? Are there any solutions to solve the pollution?

Well, many factories have sprouted like mushroom after the rain. Most of these factories give out noxious gases such as sulphur dioxide which is hazardous to our health. Besides that, the exhaust fames from motor vehicles release the noxious gas closer to the ground. Then, the air becomes polluted and people are forced to breathe this dirty air. After breathing the polluted air for a long period, this will bring various types of diseases such as breathing difficulties.

Chemicals from industries such as pesticides and others wastes which are toxic are dumped in various ways. One of the ways to dump these chemical wasters is to bury them into the ground. These toxic wastes not only pollute the soil but also seep into the water underground and polluted the drinking water. People drink the polllute water and the toxic wastes will "stay" in the body. This will cause health problems after a long period.

Toxic wasts from factories are also discharged into rivers, seas and oceans. These wastes are poisonous and could kill fish and other forms of marine life. This will affect our food because the fish are poisoned by the toxic wastes. By eating this food, it will affect our health.

Like other problems, pollution of environment has its solutions too. To overcome this problem, the government must pass stricter laws. Offenders should be warned first and if they don not listen, they should be heavily fined. People should use public transport so that there would be fewer cars on the road and there will be less discharge of carbon monoxide. Unleaded petrol should be used to help reduce harmful chemicals. Factories should make industrial waste non-poisonous before releasing it. Or, perhaps, industrial fames should build higher up in the air where they do less harm. (这句还真是莫名其妙,不知道当时为什么我会写下这句话 -_-|||)

Although there are some of the solutions that can be used to solve the problem. Most important of all, the public should be educated and be environment conscious. People should also avoid actions that bring about harmful effects to the environment.

Saving our planet is our job. We can really reduce pollution if we try really hard to solve this problem. Otherwise, if we pollute it more, we share all perish.

哈哈哈哈哈。。。 很通俗的一篇文章。


最近在收拾store room,偶然发现我还留着form 4那时写的英语文章...

Title: A day at the seaside

One Sunny Friday, I decided to spend a day at the seaside at Port Dickson. Port Dickson, situated in Negeri Sembilan, is a very popular holiday spot (我想当时的我应该还没有去过那里). I had always read from the newspaper and travelogues that the beach at Port Dickson has lovely soft and powdery golden sand. The sea is usually calm and inviting. I had always hoped to visit Port Dickson and the day had come!

I went there by care with a few friends. When we arrived, the beach was crowded and we could not find a parking space near to the sea. Without wasting anytime, we started looking for a parking space. Luckily, we found one a few hundre metres from the sea.

In double-quick time, we were on the beach searching for a shady place to put our things. Unfortunately, we had no luck. We put up our multi-coloured parasol just like the others and put our thing under it.

We quickly changed into our swimming customes and dashed barefoot towards the sea over the soft powdery golden sand. From the sea, I could see throngs of people. Some were walking leisurely around, some were standing, some were enjoying the sunbathe and some children were making sand-castles. Everyone on the beach was enjoying themselves very much. Every hook and corner of the beach was filled with the sounds of shouting, chatting, laughter and different kind of music from umpteen players. The sea was crystal clear. The water was refreshing cool. We swam far out to sea and dived into the sea to see the wonderful underwater world. The marine life was unique and beautiful. We splashed water at each other and I accidentally drank the sea water. Uugh... the water was salty!

More and more people arrived by mid-morning. More and more parasols were put up till we could not find where our parasols was because everywhere on the beach was about the same! Oh no, this was really a big problem especially when our stomach began to growl. we needed food and where was our parasols!!! At last, we found it and in double quick time, we finished the food that we brought.

After having the hearty meal, all of us were full and we decided to walk along the beach. A gentle breeze was blowing, bringing with t the smell of the sea. The coconut trees swayed in the gentle breezes. It seemed like they were dancing gracefully and welcoming the guests who came to the beach. There were uncountable seashells lying calmly on the bead. I picked up a few for souvenirs. One of my friends grasped a full hand of sand and put it into a beautiful bottle as a souvenir.

From the beach, I could see the water out at sea was black with boobing heads. Crowds of people were swimming about. Some were using inflated rubber tubes. Some parents were splashing water at each other with their children. We walked back to our big parasol and enjoyed a siesta while the wind blow gently.

After the siesta, we had enough rest and recharged our batteries. My friends and I plunged into the sea again for another round of run.

The sun was slowly setting, and it was time to go home. We packed up our things and walked slowly towards the car. All of us did not want to leave as we all had had an enjoyable day at Port Dickson. Finally, we all got into the car and left with a heavy heart.


Saturday, May 21, 2011



Monday, May 2, 2011



很快乐的读书生涯 :)